Websites and Themes

SEO Optimized

Speed & Best Practises Optimized

Performance & Accessibility Optimized

Lighthouse tested

PageSpeed Insights tested

Banner Ads ready

Fast and Beautiful Themes 🚀

Perfect scores on PageSpeed + Lighthouse

Customized & Optimized by Staxio Team

Our themes and templates were thoroughly tested, and optimized to the highest standards. Countless hours were spent by our team, researching and perfecting every line of code.

Whether you choose to get a Blogger or an HTML theme from us, you can expect only the best when it comes to speed, SEO, performance, and all the measurable metrics.


Google Drive PUBLIC folders

Do you remember when Google removed the option to make Google Drive files and folders as "Public" a few years ago?

Learn how to create and share unlimited legacy Google Drive PUBLIC folders.

Coming Soon

Coming soon

Coming Soon

Coming soon